Friday, August 26, 2011

Amaya's "I have a dream, too" speech

I have a dream, too
By Amaya

"We have been led to believe that we are free.  That I was born with human "rights" and that I have freedom of choice.

"You can do and be whatever you want, if you put you're mind to it."

They gave us concepts of materialism, titles like rich and poor, smart and dumb, good and bad.

We were told we had to choose, that you have to accept and fit into a mold of a human being.

The more rules you follow, the better person you are, the more you break, the worst.

We are made to choose between good and bad.

Many documents in time have been told to give us our freedoms. The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, laws, the Emancipation Proclamation. The bill of Rights.

"Freedoms" they told us, yet all they did was tell us what we can or cant do. These documents were not written with you and me in mind.

We were lied to... We have been, are, and will continued to be lied to.  Because everything is truth, and everything is false.  The only difference is when a single person attaches an emotion to the action.

We are told that human nature exists and is the sole motivator for our actions, thoughts, and reactions to events in time, and we accepted it, without question.

We were told things like time and space are real, we are made of Atoms, you have 2 eyes, 2 lungs, 1 heart, and we accepted it, without question.

They told us the world and universe was this, and we accepted, without question.

But a new consciousness has been growing in all of us. This has not been a personal change in mindset. This was a global emotional event.

You are starting to realize that the things they TOLD you would make you happy, DO NOT make you happy.

The more money you make, the more expenses show up.

The more materialism you obtain, nothing has been done to help you emotionally.

The more religions you seek, the more ridiculous it sounds.

The more truth you search for, the more lies you find.

The more you do what you are told, the more it starts to sink in, slowly, but surely... this cannot be all.  This cannot be "IT."

People are starting to wish that their dreams were reality, and that this night mare of an existence will end, or at least get better.

We have been divided and conquered.  We have been seperated and turned against each other, and though the racism taught to us, take control of some's mentalities, though some continue to cause pain and suffering for pure enjoyment, though many take advantage of systems put forth, by NOT US... I have a dream.

A dream so real, that I accepted it, and understand it, and decided it is time to make our dream into a reality.

A dream where there was no seperation between anybody, we all accepted ourselves and lived amongst each other in pure love and harmony.

No man wants to live in fear, no man wants to live in poverty, no man wants to worry about where he's gonna get his next meal... NO MAN, want to fear for his LIFE.

With this abundance in technology, there is literally no reason why every man, woman, and child, could not be housed, clothed, and have a very good standard of living, EVERYONE on this planet.  The only reason it had gotten this way, is because we were told it had to be this way.  We live in this reality out of pure greed and love of power.

But only when the power of love, conquers the love of power, will we know true peace, but how can you seek peace, if in a constant rat race with no distination.

You are being distracted.
Distracted from the fact that not one of us is scientifically different from another, distracted that we are all here in the same place, at the same time, distracted that it does not have to be this way.  We were distracted from our choice.

BUT I AM GIVING YOU THE CHOICE BACK, RIGHT NOW.  YOU have the power to stop all this madness in the world.  You DONT have to revolt, you DONT have to write your congressmen, you dont have to hate, or right board or call tv stations for publicity.  It's a personal choice, between fearing everything, or loving it all.  Love is the key to end the hurt, love is the key to get us out.  Self love, love for your brother, love for a stranger, enough to say "you are no better than me, I am no better than you, we are both reacting to this world, and the tides just took us in different directions, but you are the same as me, nonetheless."

I HAVE A DREAM that we can ALL mentally evolve PAST this neglegent world. This world filled with corruption and lies, with hate and wars, deception and manipulation of the masses.  I have a dream that we all realized this, and discovered the key to happiness was just a personal choice all along.

FOR THERE ARE NO RULES, IF NO ONE OBEYS, and they know this.  They will continue to bombard you with worries, and news, and images of others dying, suffering, to scare you back into the system.  But you are NOT happy right now as it is.  You are missing SOMETHING. and you know it.

The more we seperate ourselves from one another, we weaker we get, for there are strength in numbers, in so many different levels, from the physical strength, to collective intellectual minds conspiring for a better futuristic view of existence.  We work better together, than one alone.

I HAVE A DREAM that everyone in this planet, will be allowed to fully persue their happiness, whatever it may be. Though we have been taught it would be chaotic, and complete violence, but how did the first humans get along?  How did we make our discoveries to this modern age, if we didnt "do what we wanted to do." 

A dream where we will all do what we want, be able to obtain whatever materialistic item we disire, just for the pure enjoyment of having it, without the sacrifice and restraints of a montary system.  We do not need money, we need resources.  We will realize that we put forth a border from the very things we need the most, be playing a game of "society" when we could just get what we want, and need, without having to work unnecesarily for it.

I HAVE A DREAM of a world with no money, and harmony.  Where all we do is help maintain the state of being and educate everyone to their highest wanted capacity, with no pressure or judgement of grades, just for the pure enjoyment of knowledge, on whatever field desired, until they wanted to.

No money would mean no seperation between rich and poor.

No money would mean no crime, because lack of money is a motivator for most acts of violence, as an individual has to go outside the stated conduct of life, to obtain something he was deprived from, again, because of a code of conduct WE DID NOT get to choose on.

No money means no theft.

No theft means no worrying.

No worrying means tranquility.

Tranquility means you can prioritize what's important and what isn't.

I HAVE A DREAM, WE WILL ALL WAKE UP, and realize that the key to happiness, was inside of US, and not in the books ur ancestors told you, were "the true word of God."

I have a dream, of love, peace, and happiness for all, where everyone is created AND treated as an equal, and that is, you are treated as whatever you wanna be treated.

And all this is possible, it's just a simple choice, inside your head, to grow up, or stay enslaved.

I HAVE A DREAM, too... and that dream is called "life" and "reality."

I have a dream, and everyone is in it, but none of us know we're sleeping.

I have a dream... and you can take control of this dream.

Make this dream into a reality.

All by a simple choice.

Love... or fear...

Love is my dream. 

Love everything and everyone, and you will be free, at last

Love.. and you will wake up to a higher consciousness.

Love, and you will evolve.

How christians in the U.S. woship both God and The Devil, without even knowing it =)

The days of the week are named after Pagan gods, to pay homage to them, subliminally. The fucked up part is that this is falsely considered a "christian nation" yet they dont even know wtf they're saying. (basically, u go to church to worship "god", and worship "satan" by reciting the days.. AWESOME huh?)

Monday- Moon day (lunar cult)

Tuesday- Tyr, god of War, worshipped on a Tuesday (9/11 happened on a Tuesday)

Wednesday- god Woden (Germanic Mercury) worshipped on Wednesdays, the middle of the week (Roman god, Roman salute/Nazi salute, exactly the same)

Thursday- is "Thor's day," the god of thunder, the "mighty Thor

Friday- "day of Frigg" aka Venus, goddess

Saturday- day of Saturn, roman god of agriculture (Stellar cult)

Sunday- day of the Sun (sun worshippers such as Horus, Jesus Christ, and Krishna)

Frigg was married to Woden.

The more u look into ANYTHING, the more u will see u are not doing what u THINK you're doing, you were tricked. You are worshipping good AND evil at the same time, n dont even know it....but i'm sure you ALL knew this, i mean, u use it everyday... HOW CAN U USE SOMETHING, COMMIT TO IT, AND NOT KNOW THE ORIGIN...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why Yo Gabba Gabba is so addicting, and the being brainwashed using colors...

Why Yo Gabba Gabba is so hypnotic to kids (and all kids shows)

I always wondered why BOTH my kids, are hypnotized by Yo Gabba Gabba... it is sooo stupid, it blows my mind how they can like it...

it got to the point where it bothered me... thinking there might be subliminal messages being taught to my kids or something...

And then it hit me...

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY you dont have memories as a baby? we can remember vaguely, the person we lost our virginity to, and where, but how the FUCK could we forget images of coming out the vagina, and seeing the world for the first time?

Why do kids talk to themselves, say noises and act like they're talking, they're not english, and we think it's cute

Why do kids have "imaginary friends" and its recorded worldwide, yet these kids have not told each other about these stories...

no one sits here and stops and thinks "hey... maybe something is going on here" we just say "no no, follow these rules on how to act, that isn't "real" because this is what I was TOLD, not me, myself, discovered, someone TOLD me this, and i didnt verify shit, so this is what is the "truth" (whoever lies first, is telling the truth...)

We are told what to accept, and anything that goes against what you were told, is "wrong" ...YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT "RIGHT" IS, AND UR JUST MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON INCOMPLETE AND UNKNOWING assumptions. You are trained to think that things can only be ONE thing AT ONE time...

I saw the "afterlife" by inducing it (for more info go to for audio of this experiance) (not going into details about what DMT is and my trip, this is just continuations from my previous entries, if u wanna know what i'm talking about, read back...

Once coming back, and seeing the real world collapse and turn back into this 3rd dimension reality we have convinced ourselves is real, that is called, "life." Yo and u are able to see things without the restrictions of time and space.

I'm not going to get into the ideas or lessons I learned, I wanna focus more on the VISUAL aspects of this entire trip

We cannot phathom seeing 2 worlds at once.  Cross your eyes (do it right now) and do you see how the world comes out of focus, and looks like 2 out of focues flat pictures? and when they come together, you can see regular (aka 3d?) alright, well, the world you are watching right now, it just one of those "out of focus pictures" you see when you cross your eyes.  When I was starting my DMt trip, i remember HEARING double... I was able to hear just like I am hearing now, but I was hearing literally double.   "hey hey... amaya amaya... how how are are you you feeling feeling?" and I was like "man, i'm tripping... ..but this sounds like regular voices, clear and all, like two people are playing that game when you repeat everything you say.. "copy cat" or whatever the fuck... so i looked up, thinking "why am i hearing double?" and then I was seeing double.. literally, 2 people, the same person, just in different locations, telling me the same thing... I was seeing 2 different 3rd dimensions merging into one, just like when you cross and uncross your eyes, you see 2 flat pictures turn into 3d...

it was freaky, cuz this is not visual.. YOU SEE THIS HAPPEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.. all ideas you thought were real, time, space, gravity, a physical body, they all melt away.. and you SEE it... you are FORCED to see, that the reality you live in, is NOT real... there is MORE..

you cannot grab this concept, because your 3rd eye is not active right now, it's the same thing as closing on of your eyes, and only using 1 eye to see, ur vision technically IS the same, but you see "less"... though you can still see... when you use all 3 of ur eyes, you can see 2 different 3d worlds, and understand it... (which explains to me, why chameleons can have their eye balls at all different directions, and be able to process it...) animals have and do use their 3rd eye, we're here thinking they're stupid, when in reality, they're more evolved than we are, just in a different way that we cannot conprehend.  We're here asking and not knowing how whales migrate and penguins remember the exact spot they were born.. man, we are so BLIND, and animals around us know, and we just say "it's a mystery how they do it" that should FREAK US OUT.. if we can't explain something, we should really truly care about that, SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT AND GOES AGAINST THE RULES WE WERE TAUGHT.. AND WHAT DO WE DO? "eh, whatever, it's a MYSTERY" we assign a word to it, so therefore, it's not a big deal anymore.  This is a HUGE discovery, and we downgrade it, due to words... the answers are all around us, that there are other forms and energies at work here, and we stupidly dismiss them, thinking its the intelligent thing to do...

I understand why they pump out so many cable channels now, with pointless reality shows.. to distract you... you dont think about life, ever, you think life is "going to work, making money, get a job, become a higher society class of human" which if u take that all away, you will NOT die, so that right there, proves, that what we think is important "my job is my LIFE!" is a false and pathetically stupid way to look at the world. this is all distractions, to keep you busy, to keep you from thinking about things that dont make sense.  Cuz the more u look into it, the more you'll see you were lied to.  in all different types of levels.

Alright, so i know you've seen the psychadellic pictures people draw, right? again, then on DMt, it lets ur brain function all 100% (yes, like the movie limitless, its funny how the drug on the movie is called MZT and I took DMT... "some truth to the story" never took on such a literal meaning) You can feel everything, think of everything... and SEE everything... all colors at once.. but since we're stuck in time, when our mind starts to think about time and this world, we come back to it, thus making the real world dissapear.. what you get is not being able to think of multiple things at once, and going back to this STUPID 10% of our brain mode (why the fuck doesn't anybody get mad at this, they TELL us "you only use 10% of your brain" if something uses 10% of their brain, they are RETARDED, and we're just like "oh yea, thats cool!" no one is like "um.. why? i wanna use 100% of my brain!") you start to see all colors as seperate... so it starts to look like this array of lights of different colors, when in reality, you are going back to the 3d way of thining, one thought, at one time...

That why you see all the psychadellic pictures.. we are trying to describe something you see with no time being in the factor... which is why we get these odd, off the wall, very colorful, geometric shaped visuals.. that what u always hear "man, the colors and the shapes and lights..."

you higher self can see all colors at once...

ONE THING I WANNA CONVEY IS THAT YOU CAN SEE 2 3d images, at the same time, and understand them... like put up 2 pieces of paper, and try to look at them both at the same time, and understand and read both at the same time, you cant.. when ur brain is at 100% u can understand that, PLUS u can understand when ur looking at different realities.. thats why "everything is" because you can visually, literally see everything.. why the bible says "God can see what you're doing, no matter what" YOU ARE GOD, and when you see this other realm, only then do you understand how that is possible, because you are able to see and understand all possible realities and the feelings and emotions that go with it, all at once... not "one emotion or thought or feeling" at a time.

YOU CAN STILL SEE this "world" or realm... reality.. whatever the fuck you wanna call it, this is all fake and an illusion anyways...

You can see both this and the other world.. which is why things like "heaven on earth/ hell on earth" are made.. it's HERE, it's here on earth.. just in a dimension you dont know exist or was even here or possible.

THIS IS WHY YO GABBA GABBA, SESAME STREET, BLUES CLUES.. ALL THAT SHIT, is able to capture kid's attentions..

THE COLORS... the colors and the music.. COLORS AND MUSIC take on an ENTIRELY NEW meaning and feeling in the other realm.

I believe the reason we can't remember our infancy (think about it, our brain was FULLY operational, we didn't struggle to breathe, we already knew how, our brain ALREADY know how to work when we're born, so what's up with memories?? NO ON THINKS ABOUT THIS)  because we were not born into this dimension, yea we were HERE, but again, you can see BOTH worlds at once, and understand it... IF I FOCUSED ON THIS WORLD, it would come back, it would re appear, and the other world seemed fuzzy.. when i thought of the other realm, I can feel my body go away, i became my true entitiy being, and and i could see this 3d world, it was literally like looking into a swimming pool and getting in and out of it, only the swimming pool was this world... if i jumped in, i could feel gravity, my brain dumbed down to how we think now..

I heard stories of other "aliens" not being or wanting to help us, to come down to this "level of consciousness" because it was too thick.. NOW I UNDERSTAND.. you cannot move or think the way you do in the other realm, you are stuck here, and when ur hear, the OTHER place seems like a dream, and this place real, when i KNOW, I EVEN RECORDED MYSELF ON VIDEO, TOLD MYSELF "Brainwashed amaya, DO NOT BELIEVE IT, THAT IS NOT THE REAL WORLD, U DONT KNOW CUZ U CANT SEE, if u dont remember, thats fine, but hold on to the idea that THIS WORLD IS NOT REAL" ...i told that to myself, via video... when u come here, it's gross.  I took ecstacy once, and specifically remember thinking "man, it feels like my skin it too tight, i wanna take off my skin" now I know why i felt that way... it was not my skin, this isn't my real, i am feeling my true self, but i didnt know it, because i had never felt my true self before... I have taken drugs and felt gravity, the earth rotate, i felt vertical and not horizontal, cuz i realized were on earth i was specifically located at on the round globe, I have felt my brain connected to the universe.. I cant wait to go back, now i know what the fuck is up...

So you can focus on 2 worlds at once.. when u think of one, it overcomes the other... and it starts to materialize (I saw the world go from 5th dimension to 3rd dimension right before my eyes, I saw Time and space come back into reality, so I understand and still, to this day, feel like I am stuck here... I felt my true self, and then got inprisoned here on this realm, and I'm not trying to go back, or even attempt to) (i'm not meditating, as I am positive I can go back now, I know how to do it, I felt it and understoof what my body went through to be able to see this other realm, and honestly, if i get there, I'm not sure if I'm gonna decide to come back, as crazy as i'm making myself seem, I understand I only have a limited time on this Earth, as a naive human...)

So little kids... they aren't born into the 3rd dimension.. they CAN see more.. they are innocent, they dont know or have to focus on the distractions, all they know is food, shit, cold and warmth.. they dont have to worry about credit, money, jobs, life... when u dont have any distractions, you can feel and see your true self... so baby's DO see more.. they dont see "spirits" or ghosts, they are their true selves... which is why they act the way they do, always looking around, hard to get their attention.. when I was on DMt, yea i was here, and I saw n moved around and people said I looked normal, BUT IN MY HEAD... I was NOT here.?

REALITY IS WHAT U SEE AND HEAR WITH UR OWN EYES, right? so id i'm seeing something REAL AND TRUE, and YOU can't see it, that makes it NOT real? keep an open mind to all this, because though it sounds like a dream land, it's actually the complete opposite, this is a prison and u dont even know it.

I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING THAT I DID HERE, even though i could SEE this world.. .i heard voices, and knew things, but whether I PHYSICALLY was talking, or made any sense, i dont know.. and it didn't matter...

The more words you teach your kids, the more you bring him and get them stuck to this realm, their innocense is lost, and their ideas and mentalites now have to be expressed in something so disgustingly insulting, as a "word"

So the colors... it's to make the kids focus on THIS world... just like you see someone high as fuck, just staring off... they are feeling and seeing shit, maybe... lol... people on shrooms and lsd and weed.. they look STUPID to us, but seriously, LOOK BACK, is this ANY different from the behavior that infants and babies display? WHY HAS NO ONE MADE THE CONNECTION?

The colors of these TV shows make them focus on color.. distracts them from the marvelous "colors and prizm shapes" they see from the higher realms...


I felt awful thinking that I took away that divinity from my kids.. which makes complete sense WHY KIDS HAVE to get vaccinations.. THEY HAVE TO.. .if they dont, they cant go to school in the Us.. WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO GO TO SCHOOL IN THE US, WE SUCK?! this is like "if you dont take this dick in ur ass, u cant have this shit sandwhich" ... THATS THE ONLY OPTIONS I HAVE?! ... wow...

NO ONE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT IS IN THE VACCINATION.. have YOU verified it? are YOU a chemist? do you know how to even cross check, u just have to take their word, right? smh... and they're lying.. it's just to bring you here, as a kid.. get you stuck in this world... we hit our kids if they dont follow "the rules of life, act this way, or ur wrong, and i must hit u, to show you that, pain= no repeat"

We bring our kids to this reality, they are born with"divinity" and see the true world, which is why the bible says that Jesus said "be like the children, imitate the children, not CHILDISH but CHILD-LIKE" ... THE TRUTH WAS NOT HELD FROM US, IT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF US, THEY ARE TELLING U WHAT TO DO, HOW TO DO IT, BUT YOU THINK IT'S AN ACTUAL MAN, A STORY...

Realize that YOU are God, YOU are Jesus.. because in the other realm, there is no seperation, everyone is everyone, everything is everything... that knowledge and all powerful ness, the "burning bush" moses saw (yea, i heard that nigga took DMt, it's not a burning bush, tho it does look like fire, and i can see why he would think his higher self would be God, because u think ur human, and when u see urself, u can know that whatever ur looking at is better than u in every way, even gives a fatherly feeling, but u get that feeling, cuz thats YOU.. just like your dad gives you a certian love feeling, YOU ARE your dad, u were his sperm once, there is NO seperation... he MADE you... ) ...let that sink in.. whatever everyone calls God, Allah, Buddah, gods, Zues, Immortals, Spirits, Souls, Eternal life, After life, Death, REssurection.. THOSE ARE ALL JUST DIFFERENT WAYS THEY WERE TRYING TO INTERPRET THE TRUE MEANING, to help you discover yourself.. B UT WHEN U THINK THE STORIES HAPPENED LITERALLY, TO A MAN NAMED JESUS AND THERES A GUY NAMED GOD IN THE SKY, U MISS THE MEANING..

This is a story that has gone through THOUSANDS of years.. dont treat it like ur reading some childrens book, THEY ARE TRYING TO SHOW YOU EXAMPLES OF SOMETHING, AND IT'S SOMETHING U GOTTA FIGURE OUT ON UR OWN... it's supposed to have a DEEPER MEANING.. .

why do u think there are alllll these stories AND THEY SAY THE SAME SHIT, OVER N OVER AGAIN??

Sesame Street, i remember some pinball shit, psychadellic looking even, just a ball rolling through this pinball machine, while they sing "1,2, 3, 4 5,... 6 7 8 9 10... 11, 12...) and because pinballs have bright lights.. i was shown bright flashing lights.. i used to like it.. never did i know, that that was a form of hypnosis.. we just think it's innocent visuals, when i n reality, they are getting u stuck to this world..

This is why kids see shit, why we dont remember anything, why they just talk n talk n talk, but they dont even know words yet, why it's hard to get their attention, why they're always staring off to space...

Look at a person going through a psychadellic trip, and they're doing and having the exact same behaviors that an infant has... why has no one made this connection yet?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There is no Heaven, there is no Hell, Religion is wrong... I know cuz God showed me...

How I was shown that there is no heaven, no hell, and religion is wrong, by God Himself

This is going to piss some people, the fuck, OFF...
And if I knew I wasn't 100% right, I wouldn't even dare touch this subject
But my entire family is religious as fuck, and I have been looked down opon, for my lack of gullibility towards the stories.
Stories that I was forced, literally FORCED to accept, because as the rest of you know.. ."there is NO questioning.. or you go to HELL!"
And for me to know the truth, and not at least ATTEMPT for you to see it, I would be fucking each and every single person over, royally... even if you are "saved" and have "accepted" the "Holy Spirit"

YOU ARE RIGHT AND OH, SO WRONG, at the same time...

You have the right facts, but you come no where to even being close to believing any of it..

How do I know? ...because we are all still stuck here in the 3rd dimension... the fact that you are here, proves it

There is a big difference between FAITH and actual experiance.  You are taught and memories stories and verses, knowing they are supposed to be literal, but not fully accepting it, because it goes against the function of the "real world" you all have come to accept is true and real.

Everyone follows rules, "commandments," verses and what not, because you were just told to... and they try to apply them to life in the job setting, waking up, living with others... and the reason why they dont really fit is because they both are imaginary to begin with.

Here are the major flaw of religion, and i'm attacking ALL of them, on purpose... again, this WILL piss you off, so if you are stuck in your naive little bubble or lies, and will NOT even open your mind to alternative ideas, because "they belong to the devil" when you havent even taken the time to look into the origin of the very set of rules you live your life by, then dont bother reading this or replyin.

If you've had that "fucked up"/ "man, i come to church and listen and know, but i really dont believe none of this shit" mentality, that you were taught, was a "bad" idea... it'll make sense why you feel this way.  You are not a bad person for thinking this... though society has taught you it is bad, it is actually a good thing.  You are not fully accepting it, because it goes against logic, almost, you HAVE to throw away logic, to believe such stories, right?

For one, you need to get out of your head that you only have ONE choice.. .you dont have to have choices, things just ARE, whether you know about them or not, whether you put your opinion on them or not... choice is irrelevent...

SO WHAT MAKES ME BE ABLE TO SIT HERE AND CLAIM SUCH THINGS, WHAT MAKES ME BE ABLE TO JUDGE YOU... "the only person that can judge me is ME or GOD"... (who told you that you and "god" were not the one in the same? who told you they were seperate?)

This is not my opinions, this is what I interpretted from being in that place that everyone is behaving "so well" for.. the "AFTERLIFE"
(IF YOU WANNA KNOW HOW I GOT THERE, CHECK OUT or, this is all being documented in different mediums.)

But this is what I was told, and saw, and understood.

Religion is BOTH, right AND wrong.  Things can be more than one thing, at once.  Which is why stealing is a bad thing, but if you're stealling food for your family, it can be perceived as "ok."  We DO NOT have to chose what something is, we just have to understand it, as much as we can, from different perspectives, because that is the way we think about everything anyways, in the "other realm"

(Again, since this is a DMT trip experience, I will be comparing the 3D world we live in versus the dimension and visions I saw while on DMT)

It's hard to even start where all this is wrong, so i'll just try to hit the major points, if I can.

There are things you guys gotta understand about REALITY, and what we THINK is "reality"
-In your TRUE form, you are not bound to Time or Space.  Those aren't concepts to you, originally, but once u are taught something, you think about it, and thinking about it, makes it real.
-Everything exists, as in, you can see it.  All possible possibilities of an interactions, whether it went good or bad, you can see them all in front of you... so you dont have to make a choice, or think about anything, it's already in front of you.
-There is no seperation, since the entire universe is a ripple of energy, you feel just like the way you feel now, inside ur body, ur own thoughts, all that... but you also feel everybody else'se feelings and thoughts, like they are your own... so therefore, you "are" everybody and everything
-No time means you can think of all possible thought and possibilities, feel all the emotions attached to everything you see and think of, and you also feel everyone in entire existence's feelings and visions too. 
-basically, EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING... you are everything you can possibly imagine, going on all at once.
-because you are everything, speech is not needed, it's like talking out loud to yourself, when you can already read your own thoughts, makes no sense to speak then, does it?

Alright, so because of this, so many things that we were taught by the church, was wrong... any type of judgement or rule, is being used to seperate us, and we're accepting it, thinking "we are going to go to heaven, for following the rules"

THE BIBLE WAS PUT TOGETHER, BY MAN IN 325 A.D. BY THE ROMAN EMPEROR, CONSTANTINE, FOR POLITICAL AND CORRUPT CONTROL, OVER THE ALTERNATE RELIGION SLAVE MASSES.  "Christians" didn't even put the bible together, "NON-CHRISTIANS" did.. and that is NOT HIDDEN, that is historically documented... SO PEOPLE ARE FOLLOWING A MOVEMENT, WHICH WAS WRITTEN BY THE VERY SAME PEOPLE WHO THEY CLAIM TO BE "SATANIC WORSHIPPERS." follow a movement, without even knowing WHO started it, WHATS the purpose, WHO is profitting from it (we all know the bible is the #1 selling book, why is it being SOLD, shouldnt it just be GIVEN, and WHO is making all the profit?) IT CANT BE QUESTIONED, and if you go against it, you are called names like "blasphemer" "devil worshipper" and will kill you if they dont accept the same ideas (the Salem witch trials, the Crusades, the Inquisition.)  you SAY you're peaceful, but your history is filled with BLOODSHED YOUR MOVEMENT CAUSED. ...and you blindly look away from that, and focus on false teachings taken out of context. can you even sit here and THINK that man can come ANYWHERE CLOSE to describing what "God" is, when he supposively built the universe, atoms, all that is, and you wanna capture that using WORDS?!?! lol...

...and WHO TAUGHT YOU WORDS? Who decided for ALL OF US, that these words stood for certain ideas, did YOU go to that meeting? OR ARE U JUST FOLLOWING RULES AGAIN?

-There is NO such thing as "male" or "female" so the concept of "God's hate gays" is completely and utterly wrong.  The BIBLE says that God doesn't agree with gay, but "gay" doesnt exist in the REAL world, we are all ONE.. masterbating isn't considered gay, it's just accepted, because its something you do to yourself... but that's MAN ON MAN, or WOMAN ON WOMAN self-action... that should be considered gay, no? it's not of the opposite sex, its same sex, and that's the rules, no? WHAT ABOUT THE LOVE FOR YOUR PARENTS.. the Bible never said or gave you a quantity of HOW MUCH LOVE you can have for someone... LOVE THY PARENTS, my dad's a guy, so can I only love him so much, if it starts going gay, its a sin?


Cuz "God" doesn't care... just like you don't see masterbating as gay, because it's something you do with one's self, if you are everyone, there can not be a concept of seperation or "gay"... GAY MEANS HAPPY... and we perverted the word to SEPERATE US..


How can something be DIFFERENT FROM YOU, when YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE... if this was a SCIENCE experiment, your conclusion would be thrown out, based on NO evidence done to prove your point accurate or innaccurate.  

-The concept that YOU AND GOD are 2 SEPERATE THINGS is also false.  If you have a kid, thats your seed, even though they are different, THEY ARE you, cuz they came from you... So if we're all "God's children" then are we all not the same, by technicalities... I know when I look at my brothers and sisters, i think "whoa, we were made the same exact way, same ingredients, the only variable is the time it happened, thats' IT.. so we're pretty much all the same thing, technically."

And so parents, kids, and siblings, are all technically one and the same.

So if Jesus was a human, aka, one of us, and he was the Son of "God" and we are ALSO "his children" JUST BECAUSE he was born of a miracle birth (which can easily be explained by cloning, or artificial insemination, both which are do-able technologies, and a virgin birth is possible, we just need the volunteer) he was still born ONE OF US...

One thin I learned while over there is that there is no seperation between anything ever. so therefore, you not only SEE God, KNOW his thought, FEEL his presence, you ARE "God."... we all are, because there is no seperation.

the seperation starts when you put Time into the factor, because when ur stuck in time, u can only think of ONE thought at a time, ONE word at a time, you are not working the way YOU CAN AND DO function... all thoughts, all emotions, all possibilities, felt and seen all at once...

ANY FORM OF SEPERATION WAS PUT THERE, TO DISTRACT YOU... "Words" were taught to you, to seperate you...

When you were a baby, you knew you werent the same as ur parents, but you also didnt know there was a seperation, you were the same, but you were different at the same time (which is right, things are everything all at once, so things can be "right, wrong, stupid, smart" whatever, all at once, just depends what perspective you look at.) THEN you learn things like "this is your NAME" (seperation) "this is your AGE" (seperation) This is your RACE (seperation) this is your FINANCIAL STATUS (seperation)"

so the more you learned, the more you understood, that you are not the same as others on here, you are an "INDIVIDUAL" and ideas of "being independent" are thrown at you, by society...

You wanna know when something in nature decides to be independent form it's organism? you ever see that ONE fly that flew inside ur house? or that ONE bug that is crawling on ur floor... yea.. what do we do to those? DESTROY THEM.. and that's what's happened to us, we were destroyed and stripped from our divinity and brought down to this 3rd dimensional level, where we must partake in an ENDLESS RACE, or "work, buy, eat, sleep, comsume, repeat until you die" mentality.

Religion keeps you from focusing on the TRUTH that YOU ARE immortal, death is not a concept to your true self, that YOU ARE what this book is talking about... because the words have been twisted, and you think these are just stories, or think they are personifications.. .

THIS PLANE WE LIVE ON., "REALITY," DOESN'T EVEN EXIST, so that's why you can't picture these fantastic tales of "walking on water" as literal. you CAN'T do that, because this WORLD is not even literal.

so u just follow.. .SCARED into believing, because you DONT question.. it's in the religion NOT to do that... how convenient, right?

You listening to others talk about nice stories and how to live your life WILL NOT SAVE YOU...

and yes, you DO need to be saved, but saved from YOURSELF, because it's that lack of caring, that lack of interest in answering your own questions, the acceptance of un-challenged ideas and stories, that put you in the very first place you are at.

Some people STILL think 9/11 was done by Terrorist, YOU NEED TO CATCH UP, you're barely discovering or assuming "hey, maybe that was a lie" and other are discovering "man, EXISTANCE PERIOD, was a lie, in itself."

There is a Global Awakening.  Figure out what that means, if you dont already know.

You commit your time and money into a religion you never made or agreed to yourself. 

TRUTH will not make you turn away others, EVEN IF they "work for Satan" because in reality, we are all one, you can be evil and good at the same time, being "evil" and "good" is a human word... they dont and shouldnt apply to you, you are not a programmable robot, THEY ARE JUST SUGGESTIONS, and I'm tellin you to fuck the suggestions, and do what YOU want, to discover what YOU are.

NO ONE KNOWS THAT LIFE IS, NO ONE HAS AN ANSWER (Actually SOME OF US, DO KNOW what life is... and we're here trying to TELL YOU, but we can't, you have to see it for yourself.)
 The fact that no one can state what life is, THAT SHOULD freak you out.

but all you care about is Jersey Shore... HOW THE FUCK DOES EXISTENCE get over shadowed by JERSEY SHORE?!?!

I'm not saying DONT enjoy your life, I'm saying KNOW what you're looking at... know what's truth and what's lies, and dont accept things you dont wanna accept.

It's ok to feel scared, it's ok to feel lost, it's ok to feel lonely... ITS BECAUSE YOU ARE...

You are not being let, to be your full 100% potential...

"YOU ONLY USE 10% OF UR BRAIN" why?! ..who said that? who told you that? if something only uses 10% of it's brain, its fucking RETARDED.. THEY'RE TELLING U THE TRUTH, AND UR JUST LIKE "oh yea? wow, thats an interesting fact...

HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THIS FOR ANY OTHER ANIMAL? "cats only use 4% of their brain..."


You are looking for answers in material things in front of you when you need to be EXPLORING YOUR BEING

Were exactly did my emotions start from? why does my body react the way it does to sadness, or happiness? Who categorized me under a "race?" Who named this planet and continents? Who cares what I think? Who cares that I DONT think?

When ur in REALITY, you ARE whatever emotion you feel... so happiness, turns into happiness x 5,000,000.   Sad turns sad x 5,000,000.  ANGER AND FEAR amplify as well, EVERYTHING DOES.

So, there is no "heaven" or "hell." What you were told, or mis-translated, was possible states of minds you are able to reach.  And i know why it's called "heaven" because happiness here on Earth, is nothing compared to the magnitude and intensity of the "happiness" emotion you will become and embody in the real world.  Same goes for the "negative" thoughts... Fear turns into pure and utter terror, Sadness turns into PMS Pregnant bitches emotional sadness...

Have you heard "Heaven on Earth/ Hell on Earth" ...that is because that is just something YOU can reach, feeling wise...

This will not make sense to you, until you try to think and phatom, what reality would be like, if time was non-existant and not restricting us to it. 

When REVELATION talks about the monsters of 7 heads, 3 different faces, 12 crowns on each head... you can't picture that at all, because you really think it's a 3d image, something u see with ur eyes... but once you go to the other realm, and see how things function over there, you can finally understand wtf REVALATIONS was talking about... it was a "psychadellic" vision type of  being, because thats how we have described glimpses of the real world.. "Psychadellic" as in "changing of psyche"

The bible is a book that had it's stories and words twisted, trying to explain the dinivity and Christ-like evolutionary state we are all able to reach, and turned it into a bunch of ridiculous stories, that you were told to take literally, so that you will never find out what you really are, and you're stuck being a slave worker to a system they created.

good AND evil exist, people call it "God" and the "devil" but in reality, it's something we're all capable of doing.

Each one of us can be as nice and loving an caring as Mother Teresa.
Or as tyrant and merciless as Adolf Hitler the Nazi leader.

There is NOTHING stopping you from taking either action, other than words and ideas you grew up with, that you weren't taught, that you were told not to go against, or else you were "wrong" or "bad"

...The answers to life are not going to be found in a book, they will be found in life itself.

Stop defending a religion that no one ever told you to start, defending ideas that aren't even your own, you were just brainwashed to accept as truth.

The lies have to be seen, in order for you to know which path to direct this life in.

THE GOAL AND PURPOSE OF LIFE, IS TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE GOAL AND PURPOSE OF LIFE is.... until you know this, everything else is irrelevent.

and once you find out the truth, everything else is irrelevent...

Lots of Knowledge and love sent your way, while you find yourself
in this, mankind's human evolutionary pit stop...

There are alot of people that KNOW (dont believe, they KNOW) because they have seen it..
I dont have to tell you stories, nor do i want to sit here and point out how what you are doing is wrong, and then ask you for 10% of your money afterwards, while you're struggling in a recession, and the pastor is driving his mercedes to his 2 story, 8 bedroom house.
we're trying to make you see if for yourself...
We will lead you.. for all of us to evolve, you need to evolve as well.

Stop being a slave, and realize what you are.

YOU ARE ALL GODS, YOU ARE ALL QUEENS AND KINGS, YOU ARE ROYALTY... this is not you... and that's why your mad at the world.. it's ok to be mad.  Anger shows that something is not right.

I saw what's going to happen, when we all die, and I remember it all...

So I once read about this drug called DMT, and heard Joe Rogan on the radio once say "you literally go to another dimension, and talk to God"
I read more about DMT, and found out it was stored in our brain, that we actually use it every night while we're asleep, it's what makes our dreams, You are literally having a psychadellic trip while you body it shut down, also by your brain. They say that DMT is released into your brain, the moment you die. so to ME, I took this as, "Alright, if I take this thing called DMT, I will be able to see what's going to happen once we die, have a peak at the "after life" VISUALLY, ..just take a peek.. .

Now do I really know the true meaning behind words, every phrase used by man, to express thought, i can ultimately tie into my experiance, and it describes acturately, what it felt like in the place I went to... now that I think about it, I literally thought of every thought possible, cuz any catch phrase I hear someone say out loud, it ultimately reminds me of something describing as to what I felt while on DMT.

I saw what's going to happen when we die,
I wanted to see what was gonna happen, and i... fucking.. saw it...
The After life.. I saw it
"Heaven.." I saw it
"Hell" ...I saw it
...and it's here... I never left.... I just saw the REAL world...
They said "you teleport to another dimension and talk to "God"
...I teleported to another dimension and talked to what a lot of people could make to be a figure of a "man" having a fatherly feeling, warm, of knowledge...
They say your DMT trips are so intense that your brain blocks it off, to make you forget
...I saw the world collapse back from this higher realm, that exists HERE, it's here RIGHT NOW, (every sentence I hear, I can relate to an emotion I felt from this trip. Anything that is said to me, has a deeper meaning to me. "hell on earth" ..yea, that's right... )

"be careful what you wish for" ..holy fuck, I know what that means... I felt ultimate and utter disbelief and awe and suspense, fear, love, every single fucking emotion you can think of, i felt them all, i remember feeling all of them...

Every single sentence, has a deeper meaning, but it's because I am trying to process the information like a human, which is not the way this information can be processed.

I walked around in "Heaven," ... I knew where I was at, in the "Afterlife," ... I understood the meaning of "being one with the universe" Being "enlightened"... you are enlightened... just like a candle can be enlighted, it has a semi-literal sense...

you will never understand this visually, because you cannot fathom an idea that isn't bound in time, you have only witnessed events IN time... where I was at, Time was irrelevant... again, every single sentence said, reminds me of the place... "time WAS irrelevent" einstein was right... The more I think about these sentence, I think, "someone had to START that saying... I wonder if it really means, the feeling i felt, while I was in heaven...

...Without time, my brain worked at 100%, and I felt it, and I knew what they meant when they say "humans only use 10% of our brains" we DO only use 10% of our brains... who thought of that? ...did they say that because they have felt what I felt? ...I'm not the only one who's seen the "REAL WORLD," am I?

I felt, what I can only describe to you, was a feeling that felt like

I WAS ABLE TO THINK OF EVERYTHING... every single thought you can possibly think of, from the most perverted, to the happiest moment of your life, to the scariest to the most loving, you thought about them all... and not just like, "oh, i remember about that one time" you sat the and THOUGHT about them, like you were cramming for a critical test, and your life LITERALLY depended on it, you thought every single outcome, every single scenerio... you know how, AFTER AN ARGUMENT, you think of all these comebacks? "man, i shoulda said this, i shoulda said that" it comes from that realm..  you thought about them, and not only did you think about them, they are all real... every single outcome you can think of, to every single thing that can go wrong, you know it, because you see it... think about EVERYTHING, and i literally mean, EVERYTHING and everything that goes into that (which is infinite thoughts of ideas) they are all thought of...

and all the emotions you would feel, if that really happened in this very moment, if you saw someone die, and felt fear, you would feel it then and there...
and your emotions were amplified, it literally took over your body, your emotions felt so overwhelming, they controlled your bodily functions... ...and then you realize.. .I dont have a body..

I see now what people referred to as "souls" and they were just describing what they saw, trying to interpret it into human descriptions...

that saying "there are no words to describe it" ... i found the deeper meaning in that.. we were taught words... we didnt all have a meeting and make up words, and all agree, SOMEONE TAUGHT THEM to us... who? and why? why did word making stop? if we always have new ideas and discoveries, wouldn't it also make sense that we have new words to go along with this? not just words, but ways of expressing thought, period?

There are no words to describe it, because we were not given the words to desrcribe them... thats why we cant find words to describe it.. it literally means something...

I thought of everything possible, and saw it right before me, I was there, and felt all emotions, amplified, for everything I saw... but time didn't exist where I was at, so this was a continous feeling... all possible feelings from all possible thought, shot at you... it's like no high or rush crack, cocaine, or meth will give you.. i know... trust me, i've felt them both... the rush you get make black tar heroin feel like a punch from an infant during a bar fight.  It it the highest high you can think of... now I know why they talked the way they did back then.. the holiest of the holy... cuz what u felt, was to the MAX time 100...

only when you focus on one thought, LIKE THE WAY YOU ARE CONSTANTLY THINKING RIGHT NOW, YOU CAN ONLY THINK ONE THOUGHT AT A TIME, YOU CAN ONLY READ ONE WORD AT A TIME, BECAUSE YOU ARE STUCK IN TIME... only when you focus directly on one thought, does the world, literally, before your eyes, start to change into that thought... You literally change reality..

it's like accessing all the files of the universe, any possible time, any possible scenerio, of your actions, you can access it, and focus on it, study it, master it, because time does not exist... in fact, you already did all that, when you think about it...

you are stuck in time, you can never see... all this, to you, sounds like a dream.... my friends, I saw it right in front of me..

...I will let you guys know bits and pieces... I went to the place we call heaven, I have seen the After life, like many others worldwide, i KNOW the truth, the true world, the world that exist here and doesn't at the same time, where things are and aren't every possibility they could ever be, and everything is real and false, and it's both a good and a bad thing.

I have had and seen what many others KNOW to be real, and that this world we live in, is just a mirage, and death is not the end, we are trying to think like humans.. but we're not humans.. humans dont exist... you are more... that self righteous feeling you have... of "man, I feel BETTER than everyone else... i dont care if they're more book smart than me, I STILL FEEL better" are all valid feelings.. you ARE better... we all are...

And they didn't lie to us, they just distract us... the way you distract a baby by pointing away, or fake out a dog by not throwing a ball.. they're doing the same to us, but on a much higher level, so the end result, of such confusion, happens to be this thing humans call "life" ..."existance"

I went there... and I saw the entire world deflate and turn from a higher dimensional realm, back to this 3rd dimension we are stuck in... It was not a dream, I saw it.. I remember it... the visions haunt me, but make me happy, because there is more, but then you to have to realize where you were at.

"The truth will set you free" and "you can't handle the truth"

...I was freed... for a couple of minutes here on this reality.. but what was forever, as I still feel myself there, just like "your heart stays at home" I am here, but I can still think the way I was thinking in the other dimension, my higher way of thinking... I can remember how it felt..

I did not come back unchanged... I can see now why moses, who was on dmt, would say he saw god as a burning bush, and was given the 10 commandments, I saw that, or what he translated it to be... I saw "God"...

There is no seperationg between anything... just like i said I felt all my thought and emotions at once, you become connected, just like psychics say they are connected (which that all makes sense now, I have felt what psychics felt) to all people... all people's emotions to their life events and all posiibilities.. you feel everything.. .so because of this, you ARE everybody... and because everybody is the universe, literally... we all make you what people would say is "God"... but we are part of it..

IMAGINE A TEAR DROP, a single drop.. fallin off your cheek... and into an ocean... ...they are different... we know that.. but once they merge.. though we know they are different.. how can you tell where the drop stops and the ocean begins?

...we are the same with God.. we ARE god... and then the Jesus thing makes sense.  Jesus was not some dude that was a carpenter, or the black jesus... you guys dont understand nor follow your own rules.. the bible says "dont worship any images" and what do you think the image of Jesus christ is? WHO TOLD YOU THAT WAS JESUS? was a lie, to distract you, as that's what it's supposed to do... its put in place, to distract you from focusing onto what's REALLY going on, just like when you fake out a dog, after a while, they know ur not throwing the ball... Jesus was not a literal man, Jesus represents what we ARE capable of being... no, what we are RIGHT NOW, but you cannot see things in the human mind.. .you have to let go of this concept of time.. try to think of things with no time restriction, or at least perceive of things from a higher being, looking down on you, when no time is bound to them, and how they would feel.. that is, in actually , how some of them feel..

no emotion or thought is false, they are all true and false all at once, depending on what reality you think of, but nonetheless, they all exist, it all depends on the conscious mind, your brain can still "think" it's just on a whole new level.. you still can feel a "embodiment".. and "self"... but it's not physical... it's pure energy.. I can see how they could confuse it with "Souls" or "angels"... thats the limit of their understanding at that time, or what they could remember, because it all seems like a dream, even though my ONE THOUGHT, I remember telling myself, to remember was "Blind Amaya, this is un brain washed Amaya, you are not in reality, this is real, you are in a prison, you have to see, you have to know"... it is trippy, seeing yourself, on video, tell yourself that, and you KNOW it's the right answer, but the more time you are here, the more you forget... it is exactly how everyone ever described it...

...I will tell you everything I can remember, which I remember alot... I just dont know what to do with all this... I had an after life experiance, and like many others, I am changed for life, and all I can think about it reality, and how all this is an illusion, and though I am fully aware that I sound like some lunatic, I know that I am right, because I saw, and know... this was my personal quest, I wanted the answer of life, I wanted to know why we're here, what life is, is there an after life, what is my purpose... every single answer I ever had, I answered it, and it was the correct answer, and it was because I and "God" were one, but it's just a human emotion I am trying to relay..

you are bigger than you are lead to believe, you are wonderful.. .you are Gods, and immortality and time are not concepts that belong to you, you were tricks and taught that, so now you thinking about it, makes it reality, because that's how it works, just like in your mentality, whatever thought you think, you can picture it, that's how it really is, only you dont picture it, it manifestes, because it already exists, and you're focusing on it...

this realm only exists because we focus on it... it no one paid attention to time, no one paid attention to air, or anything at all, in the entire globe for a solid 1 second, all in unison, we would all wake up... but since thinking makes reality, we know of time, so we make it... so we were tricked into this idea state of mind..

Everyone thinks the soul is inside the body, it's the complete OPPOSITE, this human body is just a mask for your true self, which cannot be contained in, your body is just a mirage, the egyptians had it right when they said "your body is just a vessel"

I remember everything... what do I think of, to translate, because I still remember everything, and I dont wanna forget, I fear if i fully come back here, I will forget of what I saw and know to be the truth... and I fully understand why all this stuff is put in our food, and vaccinations are routine... we are kept this way.. we dont see... I have seen it all and know it all, and I dont want to forget... I wanna show you or help you see for yourself.. how can I assist you? help me, help you...