So I once read about this drug called DMT, and heard Joe Rogan on the radio once say "you literally go to another dimension, and talk to God"
I read more about DMT, and found out it was stored in our brain, that we actually use it every night while we're asleep, it's what makes our dreams, You are literally having a psychadellic trip while you body it shut down, also by your brain. They say that DMT is released into your brain, the moment you die. so to ME, I took this as, "Alright, if I take this thing called DMT, I will be able to see what's going to happen once we die, have a peak at the "after life" VISUALLY, ..just take a peek.. .
Now do I really know the true meaning behind words, every phrase used by man, to express thought, i can ultimately tie into my experiance, and it describes acturately, what it felt like in the place I went to... now that I think about it, I literally thought of every thought possible, cuz any catch phrase I hear someone say out loud, it ultimately reminds me of something describing as to what I felt while on DMT.
I saw what's going to happen when we die,
I wanted to see what was gonna happen, and i... fucking.. saw it...
The After life.. I saw it
"Heaven.." I saw it
"Hell" ...I saw it
...and it's here... I never left.... I just saw the REAL world...
They said "you teleport to another dimension and talk to "God"
...I teleported to another dimension and talked to what a lot of people could make to be a figure of a "man" having a fatherly feeling, warm, of knowledge...
They say your DMT trips are so intense that your brain blocks it off, to make you forget
...I saw the world collapse back from this higher realm, that exists HERE, it's here RIGHT NOW, (every sentence I hear, I can relate to an emotion I felt from this trip. Anything that is said to me, has a deeper meaning to me. "hell on earth" ..yea, that's right... )
"be careful what you wish for" ..holy fuck, I know what that means... I felt ultimate and utter disbelief and awe and suspense, fear, love, every single fucking emotion you can think of, i felt them all, i remember feeling all of them...
Every single sentence, has a deeper meaning, but it's because I am trying to process the information like a human, which is not the way this information can be processed.
I walked around in "Heaven," ... I knew where I was at, in the "Afterlife," ... I understood the meaning of "being one with the universe" Being "enlightened"... you are enlightened... just like a candle can be enlighted, it has a semi-literal sense...
you will never understand this visually, because you cannot fathom an idea that isn't bound in time, you have only witnessed events IN time... where I was at, Time was irrelevant... again, every single sentence said, reminds me of the place... "time WAS irrelevent" einstein was right... The more I think about these sentence, I think, "someone had to START that saying... I wonder if it really means, the feeling i felt, while I was in heaven...
...Without time, my brain worked at 100%, and I felt it, and I knew what they meant when they say "humans only use 10% of our brains" we DO only use 10% of our brains... who thought of that? ...did they say that because they have felt what I felt? ...I'm not the only one who's seen the "REAL WORLD," am I?
I felt, what I can only describe to you, was a feeling that felt like
I WAS ABLE TO THINK OF EVERYTHING... every single thought you can possibly think of, from the most perverted, to the happiest moment of your life, to the scariest to the most loving, you thought about them all... and not just like, "oh, i remember about that one time" you sat the and THOUGHT about them, like you were cramming for a critical test, and your life LITERALLY depended on it, you thought every single outcome, every single scenerio... you know how, AFTER AN ARGUMENT, you think of all these comebacks? "man, i shoulda said this, i shoulda said that" it comes from that realm.. you thought about them, and not only did you think about them, they are all real... every single outcome you can think of, to every single thing that can go wrong, you know it, because you see it... think about EVERYTHING, and i literally mean, EVERYTHING and everything that goes into that (which is infinite thoughts of ideas) they are all thought of...
and all the emotions you would feel, if that really happened in this very moment, if you saw someone die, and felt fear, you would feel it then and there...
and your emotions were amplified, it literally took over your body, your emotions felt so overwhelming, they controlled your bodily functions... ...and then you realize.. .I dont have a body..
I see now what people referred to as "souls" and they were just describing what they saw, trying to interpret it into human descriptions...
that saying "there are no words to describe it" ... i found the deeper meaning in that.. we were taught words... we didnt all have a meeting and make up words, and all agree, SOMEONE TAUGHT THEM to us... who? and why? why did word making stop? if we always have new ideas and discoveries, wouldn't it also make sense that we have new words to go along with this? not just words, but ways of expressing thought, period?
There are no words to describe it, because we were not given the words to desrcribe them... thats why we cant find words to describe it.. it literally means something...
I thought of everything possible, and saw it right before me, I was there, and felt all emotions, amplified, for everything I saw... but time didn't exist where I was at, so this was a continous feeling... all possible feelings from all possible thought, shot at you... it's like no high or rush crack, cocaine, or meth will give you.. i know... trust me, i've felt them both... the rush you get make black tar heroin feel like a punch from an infant during a bar fight. It it the highest high you can think of... now I know why they talked the way they did back then.. the holiest of the holy... cuz what u felt, was to the MAX time 100...
only when you focus on one thought, LIKE THE WAY YOU ARE CONSTANTLY THINKING RIGHT NOW, YOU CAN ONLY THINK ONE THOUGHT AT A TIME, YOU CAN ONLY READ ONE WORD AT A TIME, BECAUSE YOU ARE STUCK IN TIME... only when you focus directly on one thought, does the world, literally, before your eyes, start to change into that thought... You literally change reality..
it's like accessing all the files of the universe, any possible time, any possible scenerio, of your actions, you can access it, and focus on it, study it, master it, because time does not exist... in fact, you already did all that, when you think about it...
you are stuck in time, you can never see... all this, to you, sounds like a dream.... my friends, I saw it right in front of me..
...I will let you guys know bits and pieces... I went to the place we call heaven, I have seen the After life, like many others worldwide, i KNOW the truth, the true world, the world that exist here and doesn't at the same time, where things are and aren't every possibility they could ever be, and everything is real and false, and it's both a good and a bad thing.
I have had and seen what many others KNOW to be real, and that this world we live in, is just a mirage, and death is not the end, we are trying to think like humans.. but we're not humans.. humans dont exist... you are more... that self righteous feeling you have... of "man, I feel BETTER than everyone else... i dont care if they're more book smart than me, I STILL FEEL better" are all valid feelings.. you ARE better... we all are...
And they didn't lie to us, they just distract us... the way you distract a baby by pointing away, or fake out a dog by not throwing a ball.. they're doing the same to us, but on a much higher level, so the end result, of such confusion, happens to be this thing humans call "life" ..."existance"
I went there... and I saw the entire world deflate and turn from a higher dimensional realm, back to this 3rd dimension we are stuck in... It was not a dream, I saw it.. I remember it... the visions haunt me, but make me happy, because there is more, but then you to have to realize where you were at.
"The truth will set you free" and "you can't handle the truth"
...I was freed... for a couple of minutes here on this reality.. but what was forever, as I still feel myself there, just like "your heart stays at home" I am here, but I can still think the way I was thinking in the other dimension, my higher way of thinking... I can remember how it felt..
I did not come back unchanged... I can see now why moses, who was on dmt, would say he saw god as a burning bush, and was given the 10 commandments, I saw that, or what he translated it to be... I saw "God"...
There is no seperationg between anything... just like i said I felt all my thought and emotions at once, you become connected, just like psychics say they are connected (which that all makes sense now, I have felt what psychics felt) to all people... all people's emotions to their life events and all posiibilities.. you feel everything.. .so because of this, you ARE everybody... and because everybody is the universe, literally... we all make you what people would say is "God"... but we are part of it..
IMAGINE A TEAR DROP, a single drop.. fallin off your cheek... and into an ocean... ...they are different... we know that.. but once they merge.. though we know they are different.. how can you tell where the drop stops and the ocean begins?
...we are the same with God.. we ARE god... and then the Jesus thing makes sense. Jesus was not some dude that was a carpenter, or the black jesus... you guys dont understand nor follow your own rules.. the bible says "dont worship any images" and what do you think the image of Jesus christ is? WHO TOLD YOU THAT WAS JESUS? was a lie, to distract you, as that's what it's supposed to do... its put in place, to distract you from focusing onto what's REALLY going on, just like when you fake out a dog, after a while, they know ur not throwing the ball... Jesus was not a literal man, Jesus represents what we ARE capable of being... no, what we are RIGHT NOW, but you cannot see things in the human mind.. .you have to let go of this concept of time.. try to think of things with no time restriction, or at least perceive of things from a higher being, looking down on you, when no time is bound to them, and how they would feel.. that is, in actually , how some of them feel..
no emotion or thought is false, they are all true and false all at once, depending on what reality you think of, but nonetheless, they all exist, it all depends on the conscious mind, your brain can still "think" it's just on a whole new level.. you still can feel a "embodiment".. and "self"... but it's not physical... it's pure energy.. I can see how they could confuse it with "Souls" or "angels"... thats the limit of their understanding at that time, or what they could remember, because it all seems like a dream, even though my ONE THOUGHT, I remember telling myself, to remember was "Blind Amaya, this is un brain washed Amaya, you are not in reality, this is real, you are in a prison, you have to see, you have to know"... it is trippy, seeing yourself, on video, tell yourself that, and you KNOW it's the right answer, but the more time you are here, the more you forget... it is exactly how everyone ever described it...
...I will tell you everything I can remember, which I remember alot... I just dont know what to do with all this... I had an after life experiance, and like many others, I am changed for life, and all I can think about it reality, and how all this is an illusion, and though I am fully aware that I sound like some lunatic, I know that I am right, because I saw, and know... this was my personal quest, I wanted the answer of life, I wanted to know why we're here, what life is, is there an after life, what is my purpose... every single answer I ever had, I answered it, and it was the correct answer, and it was because I and "God" were one, but it's just a human emotion I am trying to relay..
you are bigger than you are lead to believe, you are wonderful.. .you are Gods, and immortality and time are not concepts that belong to you, you were tricks and taught that, so now you thinking about it, makes it reality, because that's how it works, just like in your mentality, whatever thought you think, you can picture it, that's how it really is, only you dont picture it, it manifestes, because it already exists, and you're focusing on it...
this realm only exists because we focus on it... it no one paid attention to time, no one paid attention to air, or anything at all, in the entire globe for a solid 1 second, all in unison, we would all wake up... but since thinking makes reality, we know of time, so we make it... so we were tricked into this idea state of mind..
Everyone thinks the soul is inside the body, it's the complete OPPOSITE, this human body is just a mask for your true self, which cannot be contained in, your body is just a mirage, the egyptians had it right when they said "your body is just a vessel"
I remember everything... what do I think of, to translate, because I still remember everything, and I dont wanna forget, I fear if i fully come back here, I will forget of what I saw and know to be the truth... and I fully understand why all this stuff is put in our food, and vaccinations are routine... we are kept this way.. we dont see... I have seen it all and know it all, and I dont want to forget... I wanna show you or help you see for yourself.. how can I assist you? help me, help you...
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