Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Things DMT told me (personal use)

Alright, so this isn't really to tell or brag to people about a DMT trip. There are just things that I saw, that flash in my mind, that I forgot that I saw, so this is pretty much to keep track of things I want to talk or elaborate in the future.

Again, on DMT, your 3rd eye is fully open, and you can operate your brain 100%, and SEE (not think, see in front of you, because time and space are an illusion, and DMT makes you come out of Time and space.) every single possibility of every single occurence that's every happened to you, or WILL happen to you, in this life or the previous/future ones. From the most dirtiest thought in your mind, to the most beautiful and meaningful one, with every single possibility that could've happened in any of those circumstances, they all ARE... u literally can see ALL of them, all at once, and fully understand what ur seeing, while still fully being able to see this world as well, and understand it too, if u chose to.

When u start to think ONE thought at a time, or focus on one thought, things start to appear like they do here in "reality" all the time.. this thing called "life" goes in ONE direction in time and 3 in space. (up/down, left/right, up/down= 3 dimension of space.)

So whenever i DID start to think of things like you do as a human being, I started to see events in time, and feel the emotions tied into them.

There were ALOT of things that I saw, that I KNOW I saw an understood, but to just SAY THEM OUT LOUD in this "world" will make you sound like a complete LUNATIC... but ONLY because you are going against everything society has trained you to think is "right or wrong."

So these are visions I DID HAVE, I KNOW FOR A FACT, THAT I SAW... how to EXPLAIN them to people, idk yet, or the meanign behind them, i haven't mentally gotten to that, because again, I am in my human form now, I can only think ONE thought at a time (cuz i'm IN time, when time is just an illusion) and say one word at once, therefore only express ONE idea and what it meant in the higher dimensions of reality.

So here is a list of things I saw and felt, during my perfect, triple dosage 10 minute trip on DMT.

-I saw and understood this 3rd dimension from a higher dimensional view.
-There is and wasnt a seperation between this world and the other dimensions.
-I fully understood duality. Things weren't just ONE thing, they were many things at once, and I was able to understand it.
-I felt my brain work at 100% and then come back to this reality, which THIS PLACE makes you think at 10% of ur brain, and they dont lie to u about it, they TELL you that you only use 10% of ur brain.
-I felt how we got here, we were told not to come here, and the curiousity got us trapped here.
-We chose to come here, voluntarily.
-Once you're in this place, you literally forget about the higher dimensions, you FEEL the thoughts and ideas of what you just saw, dissapear from your brain.
-I saw Adam and Eve when they found out they were naked, I understand the anology, it means when they came from higher to 3rd dimension.
-I felt the enjoyment the "Illuminati" or the "evil people" we have labeled, by taking advantage of us. It's literally funny. I can see why they do this, because it's like herding sheep, they dont know any better.
-The illuminati are real, but it's sooo much more than what we think it is.
-Me being a conspiracy theorist was as much as the problem as a religious christian fanatic.
-I am solely responsible for being "enslaved."
-There are no restrictions on you phsycally, it is a mental trick.
-I saw the egyptians, and they were not human, they were evolved, or some of them were, and thats how the pyramids got built and why we can't explain how they're there. and it was very very easy.
-"Human beings" are not what we are.
-I understand what "possessions" are, and they are very real, if the person thinks it is, and allows it.
-I saw sound
-I saw magnetism and mutal induction with my own eyes. I saw transformer's primary windings ingnite the secondary winding thru mutual induction.. i SAW it.
-Everything is alive, even things we dont think are alive.
-Everything is an energy, nothing is physical.
-Matter cannot be proven because matter is an illusion.
-Time is an illusion.
-Numbers aren't real, it's just a set of rules to help us keep us here.
-I saw the world collapse form a higher dimension to this 3rd dimension.
-I saw people in their TRUE forms, and there ARE different species that "live among us" but the trick is, none of us are really human, human BEING means it's a state of mind, a state of  BEING
-What happens after "death"
-"Death" is actually life, and what we call "life" is literally a dream of a higher dimensional being we call "god" and that "god" is us.
-Religion was trying to teach you what YOU REALLY are, but they fucked it up, by telling you that you and "god" are 2 seperate beings.
-Thats why all religions repeat the same story over n over again, through out time, they were different ways or examples to get you to discover what you are.
-The ridiculous stories of "reincarnated aliens" are 100% true, we just cant phathom that in our 3rd dimensional mind.
-I saw the burning bush Moses saw.
-Moses took DMT when he got the 10 commandments.
-Jesus was a h yperdimensional being, trying to explain to others, that they were also hyperdimensional being, which explains the "I am the son of God, AND i'm AM god."
-If we're all "God's children" when what does that make US? Children of a god = god.
-I think I was the snake that told Eve to eat the apple.
-I was a fully evolved being in the time of the Egyptians.
-The gods that the egyptians drew on the wall, they were something that they really saw, they were real entities.
-Hippies were on the right path, we gave them shit because "they are not acting like us" but the way we act isn't the right way anyways.
-This is going to be very hard to try to explain to people, but i HAVE to, i cant let people NOT know wtf they REALLY are.
-You ARE the universe.
-The universe is nothing but energy, there is nothing material, unless we think it's material, then we make it material with our mind.
-Knowledge is LITERAL power on higher realms.
-There are more dimensions here RIGHT NOW that we cannot see.
-Things we use, like Wifi, wireless technology, you can see that.
-Sound has a shape and color and you can see it
-You have 3 eyes, and your true self has all 3 eyes open, and using them to see at all times.
-This is not our real vision (2 eyes)
-This is a holographic universe
-I am a most likely a Pleadian, and my true self, (as others have told me I look like a cat, when they look at me) is most likely from the lion people, the feline race
-There is no good or bad.
-Nothing you do in this world is wrong, nothing.
-Marriage is wrong
-There is no sexuality, God doesn't "hate gays" because WE ARE ALL ONE.
-Everyting is one, there is no seperation in this universe between anything.
-Plants are alive, but like, REALLY alive.
-We control nature
-Some of the clouds are not clouds, but ships.
-This is not "life"
-The fluoride in our water is used to calcify our pineal gland, i literally felt it.
-We are blind, but think we can see
-There is alot more here.
-Aliens are real, but "alien" is equivalent to the word "nigger" it's almost insulting, because it is a word attached to something you dont understand.
-Ghosts are real, but this place isnt, so what we see here, is technically real.
-This place is real if you think it is real.
-the things you do here, dont matter at all after you leave this place.
-There is no death
-We fear death and dont even know what it is, and when people DO die, and they tell us what they saw, we think it was a hallucination.
-THIS "life" is the hallucination.
-The problem is we were trained to stick an emotional value to a "physical" material in this realm, so we are keeping ourselves here.
-All you gotta do is know what you are, and the lies literally appear in front of ur face.
-Everything you say, no matter what it is, is true and false at the same time.
-We're supposed to live in duality, but we were trained to think that things can only be ONE thing.. when we should just let things BE...
-This is the "evolution" everyone talked about.
-No one has ever lied to you, you just applied the knowledge to something you need to "see to believe"
-Money is fucking pointless as fuck.
-We are all so easily manipulated
-We are very very very dumb in this state of mind, and its insulting to not be told what we really are.
-I cried for mankind, because all my friends and family are wrong in their beliefs, though they think they're right, and I have to be the one to show them, while not insultin them.
-To say the REAL TRUTH out loud, will make you look like a complete lunatic, only becasue we are so trained to this system.
-movies tell u truths, but u take it as entertainment
-We were never lied to, and they showed us and told us the truth, we just didnt believe it for shit.
-There is a global awakening, and this is what that meant.
-People have to figure this out themselves, which is why we aren't getting "any help" from "aliens."
-There's no need to revolt against the illuminati, or your govt, just KNOWING changes things, literally.
-we THINK we know, but we literally dont know shit.
-Everything I had learned in my life, up to this point, was pointless in the higher dimensions, but necesary for me to have found myself.
-Everyone is just reacting to this reality, which is why there are so many "fucked up" people, when in reality, all they're doing is reacting to the situations they are presented to, based on their self knowlege and experience in this reality.

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