Friday, October 7, 2011

Letters to My Daughters (1)

(Introduction and explanation for these documentations made solely for you.)

            I write these series of letters to you both, Adrina Elizabeth Amaya, and Natalia Mia Amaya, my daughters. If everything goes as said it is, these letters will just be non-existant notations in a realm that was nothing but a memory in time and space, to us. If not, these letters will help you in your life and the journey of discovering your true potential, and recognize that you are divine in being, and you are truly more magnificent than anyone could have ever explained to you.  Hopefully, this is just going to be a story of a man, who, at 28 years of age, found out the truth about existence and the universe through a personal journey of truth seeking that ultimately led him to be able to understand all the secrets to this life, and what it truly is. Hopefully, everything I’m about to say, are things that you already know and understand. …hopefully…
            I am going to attempt to write you in series of letters, to you both, since I equally want you to fully understand my words. You two are me. You came from me. At one point in time, all 3 of us were just one, you WERE AND ARE me. I am never away from you, I will never leave you, I can’t leave you, we are all one. I am you. You are me. We are not separated, but by time in creation and existence. If I am no longer around when you read these, physically, this will make you understand that it is you who I am waiting for to arrive, and that I am not gone, but woken up, while you are in a dream you do no realize is a dream, and that I’m literally am inside of you at all times, because there is no separation between us. We are one.
            As I write this, I am fully aware that things I say may sound weird and off the normal mentality, but just know that I am not sugar coating anything for you. You are my daughters, therefore, smart enough to understand the complete literalness of my words to come. But just understand that the only reason I will sound “weird” is because I am going against what society has brainwashed you to accept as truth. Just a set of rules, that no one got to choose on, that if you don’t follow, people will outcast you and not consider you not “normal.” But what is “normal” other than following these rules blindly without question, because it seems like it doesn’t need questioning.
            And I will openly document these for others to see, so that this may help whoever reads it. If we do not reach the point where we are supposed to be, I feel obligated to at least prepare a documentation for you to follow to find yourself, while I have the opportunity.
            Where do I even begin…? …so much that needs to be said, but in the right way, so you can understand it, while still not misleading you, and accurately translating the literal visions that you’ll see in your journey to self consciousness exploration.

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