I have come to a point in my current life, where I understand a good deal about what is going on, where I am at, what happened before I got here, and what will happen once I finally leave this place. This is what I can for sure, say is true, and no one will ever make me think twice.
I am not a human being, I am RIGHT NOW, but I am more than this. I do not fear death, as I know it is not the end. And realizing that, I have come to find out that alot of us are not truly alive right now, but stuck in a dream of a higher being. One many, who have also discovered, have dubbed by may names. Such as Buddha, God, Allah, Dios... etc.
I am not human, I am a hyper dimensional being. The very same thing that religions have dubbed "spirits" or "souls." This is just a temporary vessel for my consciousness, and though my body WILL die, my consiousness will not, it will just return to the other dimension I am from.
I am not an individual, I am part of the universe, and am able to connect my brain to it, like a smart device connects to the internet. I have access to all the knowledge ever. It is within me.
I believe exactly what ALL religions believe, just i REALLY believe it, rather than believe things through faith alone. Faith alone was NOT enough for me, I had to see what everyone was talking about.
I have seen the burning bush, I have seen my higher self, I have seen my true being, I have seen the real world, I have awoken past this 3rd dimension many times, and I have been able to exist and use my brain at 100% because I was able to step outside of time and space.
I have seen Buddha (he smiled at me), I have seen "aliens," (they said good job, and this is shamanism, and that I was doing good.) I have been in the presence of the Almighty, and I have been One with everything. (I WAS God. as fucked up as it is to say, I was able to connect and become the Almighty. Which is okay to say, because we are made from him, we ARE him, We are all ONE THING.)
I already had my judgement day, "One day, you will meet your maker" I met Him on a Saturday. No one ever said you had to die, to meet Him, it was written that you will meet him when you are ready.
Money and materialism are not in my interest. I know there is more. I have travelled without using a car. I have spoken to other beings. I have witness events in time from the past, alternate present, and future, and they exist all at one, in a hologram called "reality."
I have seen my 3rd eye, and I have kept it open for extended period of time.
I have thought all thoughts at once, I have felt every emotions possible. I have seen trees and the Earth, come to life, like Muslims say they do, once you die. I have seen the spirit world Shamans talk about. I have moved nature using only my thoughts, and I get why our ancestors asked for permission for things, like the Native Americans did.
I was able to figure it all out. Even though they say man cannot figure out why he is here, I have. And so have many others.
I have seen my past lives, I saw who I used to be, what I have done, and what I will do. Now I am just stuck here, in time, waiting for it to happen, like a pregnant woman waits 9 months for her newborn. I am here with you, waiting.
I chose to come back to this dimension, and therefore, know what my life purpose is. Which is what I am doing right now. And no matter what action I take, whether it is "right or wrong" it will ultimately lead me to where I already chose to be at. No matter what I do, it is leading me to my true self, so nothing I have ever done was ever wrong.
I am here to help others find themselves, because I cannot wake up, unless you know what is up. So I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. And so are you.
That is why you are reading this, this is not a coincidence, you can ignore this, which will ultimately affect ur life, or just be curious about this, which will also ultimately change your life.
None the less, I feel like I am lying, if I was to say I was alive. We all leave this 3rd dimension one day. I just know where I'm going after this, and it's not back here. Not this time, this is my last time returning.
So use me, while I am stuck in this dream of being human, before i wake up into my celestial being.
RIP German Javier Amaya December 13, 1982 - PRESENT.
I cannot wait to be my Self again.
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