Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Amayan Theorem

The Amayan Theorem

This is my explanation on the issue of "is the bible the truth?" (I can make my own theory, right? like, do I have to go through someone? fuck it, whatever, this is MY fucking theory, lol This is me tellin u some SHIT, man!)I had visions of some pretty crazy stuff, like specific things that my brain told me "look, this is what the bible was trying to tell you, but you got the meaning of the story fucked up"

I saw the metaphor for "Adam and Eve" finally discovering they were naked. In my trip, it was 2 5th dimension beings being tricked into getting stuck in the 3rd dimension.

We are literally made of light. We have 3 eyes, not 2, that shits scientifically and medically noted. we HAVE 3 eyes, and u CAN open and see thru that 3rd one.

One of my friends, his skin, looked like what I could descrive like a "burning bush" ...I had read somewhere that Moses took DMT when he spoke to God as the burning bush, and I think it is a race of higher dimensional beings... i was around 3 people, 2 of them were white light beings, and the other was whatever moses saw as the "burning bush"

I realized that I, myself was God, and then everything that Jesus said, made sense... "I am the son of God, and I AM God. and you are ALSO his children." never fucking made sense to me, until I tried DMT. We are all one. if u havent taken it, this wont make any sense, if u taken psychadelics and have been able to break thru time and space, u know EXACTLY wtf i'm talking about lol

I understood that the bible was right and wrong at the same time, cuz i fully understood and saw everything in duality.

The bible is trying to describe what we, in this form, can only describe as a "psychedelic" trip, but THAT is Reality, and what we are in NOW, is the illusion. Science is all theories, literally solids have not been proven, atoms are made of energy, but we cant see energy. so how does alot of "things i cant see" make "things i CAN see?" doesnt add up. The koran had scientific data that has only recently been proven, which is impossible, how can unproven scientific fact be already documented in an ancient book?

All these books are meant for the same purpose, you're supposed to look past the deeper meaning.

The bible is NOT a literal story about All of mankind being doomed to sin because a long time ago, some chick got tricked by a talking snake to eat this fruit, u know, behind God's back, because he's all seeing, just not when that shit happened, and so because some bitch ate fruit, WE'RE ALL full of sin, so we need to give 10% of our money, and metaphorically and symbolically eat the wafers and grape juice, to represent human flesh and blood, cannibalism on the messiah, who is a jewish zombie, and his own dad, and loves everyone, but if u dont know about him, u go to hell, but he loves you, but still... yea, THAT IS NOT wtf the book is trying to tell u.

The bible is describing a psychadelic trip... events in a psychadelic world... a higher dimensional world. i mean, site here and think about it, WHERE DID U THINK HEAVEN AND HELL WERE? ..another dimension, they're no here on earth, or we'd be like "yo, hell is down there by antarctrica and shit, dont sail there, that shit aint no joke" The psychadelic trip is actually reality, and it's meant for you to remember that YOU are God, you are what that book was talking about. but they fucked it up by telling you that you and God are two seperate things.

They tell you the truth, but they twisted it

"seek God." "God is the answer" "God is the way" "God is everything"

smoke DMT, or pound 10+ grams of shrooms, and all this will make sense...

it's talking about an alternate dimension that's here, that's actual reality, and this 3rd dimension is just an illusion.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The truth about yourself (L.T.M.D. 2)

The truth about yourself

            Look, I am going to tell you everything as literal yet maybe metaphoric in some senses, to try to capture the essence of what I am going to explain about yourself. That might take some imagination to understand. Unless you can sense or see things that others cant already, and you just were to scared to say something about it, because of what people thought about you, or you thought they were dreams, that that was the way you could explain what you were seeing, when in reality, what you were seeing, what reality seeping through this 3rd dimensional state.      If not, then like any ancient religious or ritualistic beliefs you might have been exposed to, growing up, you will need to have an open mind about all this, to be able to see the bigger picture of what is going on.
            The human race is said to be floating on a planet called Earth for a couple hundred thousands of years. We kind of sprung out speratically, and in all forms of scripture, whether it be religion or science, try to explain how this is possible.  There were other man like creatures around when human beings or homo sapiens appeared. Homo Erectus or what people nick name the cave man. Stronger, bigger brain, and though they lived side by side for a couple thousand years, humans made it through somehow, even though the “cavemen” were superior and around longer then humans. But finding these skeletal proof is hard. We are led to believe that this is what’s going on.
            The bottom line is that it is very weird how humans just popped out of nowhere on this planet, and we try to explain this by making up modern day scriptures and documentations of history and events in time. Religion is a book explaining that we are made by a God. Or Allah. Or Dios. Depending what language, the bible, the Koran, the torah. These are all texts trying to explain how humans got here. These are called creationists, that human beings were made by a supreme being we call god. But have established something called religion, a type of system that profit financially off of people’s urge to want answers as to why we are born and in a conscious life to begin with. Why are we alive, what is the point?
            Science based on the big bang theory, mathematic, sacred geometry, solfeggio meditational tones, those are all mathematical expression of how this existence operates within the things we believe to be called “the laws of physics” …the way shit works…
            And some believe that there is a lot of proof, due to monuments around the 3rd dimensional realm of Earths existence plane, monument of ancient civilizations that left behind monstrous, unduplicated  with today’s technology, mysteries. Mysteries we just label and with a word… “mystery” and instead of being freaked out that we are looking at something that cannot be explained.  These are numerous sites around the world, that could not be made in the time that they were made, because they’re ancient, and we cannot duplicate them with our modern day technology to that perfection. People worldwide speculate that a more advance technology had to be used, bringing up an entire barrage of questions, completely shattering and disproving any and all current explanations of time and it’s past events.
            Regardless of which path you were exposed to in your life, as due to society’s grasp on the human mind, you are not explained what’s going on first, you are just shoved whatever religion you were born into, and that is all you know. A very one sided way to be brought up. Stripped of free thought and will. I apologize up front for any restraints on your emotions that we, as parents, not knowing the truth fully, of this situation, did unfairly opon you. I saw once how parents really don’t know what is going on with their children, and society has brainwashed humans to make their kids fit whatever the tv tells them is “good.” I apologize for the injustice I am sure you received during your infancy, we were so blind into what we were doing, teaching you these movements in the third dimension, and then being mad for moving after we taught you. We were so confused. I apologize for anytime you try to talk about something you felt and saw, and because of lack of understanding, you felt like you were not taken as seriously as you should have been.  This is my attempt to express everything I need to say to you, not towards the end of my life, but during my life. I am living this life for you two, I believe it is fair that you know what I am thinking while I am going along this trip called life with you.  So you do not hear my opinions and thought from others, so that you may see my words and thoughts I want to share with you, for yourself. This is meant directly to both of you. My personal messages from me to you. Because time is not going to separate us communicating. You can read this whenever, believe me, I repeat myself a lot, I say the same thing over and over, if I like how it sounds, so reading all these, it’ll be the same.  Thoughts wise, at least, it will be the same. This is just me and you now. No one else. I am going to be 100% honest with you in every way, because you deserve that from me, you are my own, I want you to use my knowledge and use it, take advantage of my mistakes and pain, so that you do not have to experience it, if possible.
            Look, to tell you bluntly, no one knows what is going on. Literally no one. All documentations are just people’s guesses as to what is going on. If a lot of people like that explanation enough, it was written down. But all literature, are just thoughts someone wrote down. No one in this world is smarter than anybody. Nothing is really proven, just someone’s opinion or attempt explanation as to why were are in this place we call life, and what we are doing here. Or to explain how we are here. Just someone’s idea, that got popular and documented. Man’s words. Our entire foundation is based on other people’s unquestioned ideas, we just hold and complete the spider web of manipulation without even knowing it, by blindly accepting these things without challenge or investigation.
            The entire world’s beliefs have been accepted by second hand testimonials. Unquestioned testimonials. Heard from people, who heard it from other people, who read it from a book, who someone else wrote, who heard it from some ancient culture, who tried to explain what they were in at the time. We don’t question anything, the way you beliefs are led are by which of these stories seem to be of the most logic out of all the other crazy stories we here.
            And we know all this, but this is what we choose to teach our youth. In reality, we don’t know anything, we just react to what we know and see at the current moment.

Letters to My Daughters (1)

(Introduction and explanation for these documentations made solely for you.)

            I write these series of letters to you both, Adrina Elizabeth Amaya, and Natalia Mia Amaya, my daughters. If everything goes as said it is, these letters will just be non-existant notations in a realm that was nothing but a memory in time and space, to us. If not, these letters will help you in your life and the journey of discovering your true potential, and recognize that you are divine in being, and you are truly more magnificent than anyone could have ever explained to you.  Hopefully, this is just going to be a story of a man, who, at 28 years of age, found out the truth about existence and the universe through a personal journey of truth seeking that ultimately led him to be able to understand all the secrets to this life, and what it truly is. Hopefully, everything I’m about to say, are things that you already know and understand. …hopefully…
            I am going to attempt to write you in series of letters, to you both, since I equally want you to fully understand my words. You two are me. You came from me. At one point in time, all 3 of us were just one, you WERE AND ARE me. I am never away from you, I will never leave you, I can’t leave you, we are all one. I am you. You are me. We are not separated, but by time in creation and existence. If I am no longer around when you read these, physically, this will make you understand that it is you who I am waiting for to arrive, and that I am not gone, but woken up, while you are in a dream you do no realize is a dream, and that I’m literally am inside of you at all times, because there is no separation between us. We are one.
            As I write this, I am fully aware that things I say may sound weird and off the normal mentality, but just know that I am not sugar coating anything for you. You are my daughters, therefore, smart enough to understand the complete literalness of my words to come. But just understand that the only reason I will sound “weird” is because I am going against what society has brainwashed you to accept as truth. Just a set of rules, that no one got to choose on, that if you don’t follow, people will outcast you and not consider you not “normal.” But what is “normal” other than following these rules blindly without question, because it seems like it doesn’t need questioning.
            And I will openly document these for others to see, so that this may help whoever reads it. If we do not reach the point where we are supposed to be, I feel obligated to at least prepare a documentation for you to follow to find yourself, while I have the opportunity.
            Where do I even begin…? …so much that needs to be said, but in the right way, so you can understand it, while still not misleading you, and accurately translating the literal visions that you’ll see in your journey to self consciousness exploration.