Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Being a HOE is NOT A BAD THING!!! lol

Who said being a hoe is a bad thing? I notice how girls throw that at each other as an insult "oh fuck that hoe, shes a hoe" and i'm here thinking "wow this wouldnt even anything close to an insult if it was to guys! I cant imagine someone telling me "you have alot of sex! fuck you, cuz you have alot of sex!" and be being INSULTED...

so what exactly is wrong about being actively dating people? whether it's a month, a week, an hour, if you're not married to the person, dont yall call that "pre-marital sex" so what exactly stops you from being sexually active with whomever you want? because it's "too soon" ... is there some kind of "dating rule book time limit" that I was not told of... i thought having sex is having sex period.. i'm sure ur parents didnt care if u were dating 3 years or 3 days when they first caught u having sex (for those of you who had to go thru that lol) it's still frowned opon...

so ur getting mad at a girl because she doesn't bullshit or procastinate? yall have all these gay ass rules i hear you brag about... "i dont kiss til date number 3, and blah blah blah" lol... TRUST ME, ANY GUY THAT SAYS "I won't fuck someone I just met, MINUTES after meeting them, if they're a hot chick..." is A FUCKING LIAR!

The word hoe has become negative because of women. TRUST ME, when I hear "that girl's a hoe" I dont think "oh no, i better not be friends with her" I think "let me see where she's at around 155am at the club, so i can go stand by her" GUYS DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT SHIT... it doesnt make me think any less of a woman, it actually might attract me to her, cuz lets face it, us guys can have sex with someone, and have NO INTIMATE connection with the woman... and i know, since it's yall vagina and shit, yall cant just GIVE IT OUT to just ANYBODY... lol but guys arent like that... there's fucking men that FUCK SHEEP.. i've NEVER heard a news story about women jumping into monkey cages to fuck them... it's CLEAR who has the problem here... it's men, but STILL, we dont care about a WORD...

this isn't really JUST for the word "hoe" but think about this... if you believe everything is for a reason, maybe shit ISNT like a fairy tale, maybe opportunities show up, and u either capatalies on them, or just let them pass you up... shit isn't going to just "falll in your lap" and in this day and age, if you DO think like that, fucking KILL yourself, wtf kinda world is ur retarded ass living in? the world SUCKS, ITS HELL... wake the fuck up, quit trying to make such a big deal as making a decision on who you're going to fuck... it's JUST SEX... u say "it's about love" BUT LOOK AT ALL UR EX'S U PROBABLY HATE THEM, AND LOOK HOW MUCH SEX YOU HAD WITH THEM..." whooooo careessss! feelings aren't going to matter in the long run...

that guy you WOULD HAVE SLEPT WITH, because you WANTED to, but DIDNT, because someone might see u and call u a "hoe" if you go home with this guy... that could be you're SOULMATE... but ur letting a word.. a CONCEPT... stop you from enjoying life...

you can't look at 2 women, dressed EXACTLY alike, and tell who's a hoe, and who's not... it doesnt change how you look at all... so because of what people perceive you, a TITLE put to just an IDEA... because of an IDEA someone else has (NOT YOU, CUZ I'M SURE U DONT CALL YOURSELF A HOE, NOT IN A MEAN WAY, IF U DO) SOMEONE ELSE'S THOUGHT ARE LIMITING YOUR ACTIONS...

that is sooooooo fucking stupid... if we ALL DIE.. say i could have slept with VIDA GUERRA... but say no, and then i die the next day... i'ma be like, "dude, if i knew i was gonna die, then yea, i woulda done it..." well, guess what? WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE ONE DAY... SO WHY WOULD U LIMIT UR LIFE? why would u pass up an opportunity to EXPERIANCE LIFE... it's not like ur burning down buildings and blowing up innocent baby seals.. ur just doing what ANIMALS DO OUT OF MARRIAGE, NO A DAILY BASIS... have ur fun... whats so bad about that?

IF ANYTHING, THE GIRLS THAT CALL OTHER GIRLS HOES ARE THE ONES THAT HAVENT GOTTEN WITH THE FUCKING PROGRAM YET... all men, and half of women are on the same page, time to wake the fuck up, lol...

YOU'RE outnumbered, so stop calling other poeple "hoes" and worry about ur own damn self! you cant even hold down a man, still live at home, cant get a job, cant find ur baby daddy, or got finals that you cant pass.. THERE IS MORE IMPORTANT SHIT TO WORRY ABOUT THAT THAN SOMEONE'S LIFESTYLE... worry about YOURSELF...

ur the idiot for missing out on life, guys dont think its bad, the "hoes" dont think it's bad... lets see... Jenna Jameson made an EMPIRE and has MILLIONS because she embraced this... and YOU... ur a nobody that thinks their way of thinking is the right way... yet u still lhave an allowance and a cerfew... lol... yea... SHE'S OBVIOUSLY THE MORON... WITH HER MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, and ur just making enough to buy an outfit for the weekend...

quit being so judgemental... who gives a shit... it's just sex.. feelings dont matter, dont get mad at another chick thats one her game, just because no one is offering it to you like she is... people that usually say "it was meant to be" "it just happened" are people who are too lazy to look, and make shit happen... and they just SETTLE.. that's the ONLY option you had, so OF COURSE u were gonna grab on for dear life! lol

and for my girls that are "good girls" and always end up with dudes that cheat, or are married, or have girlfriends.. GET OUT, the reason why thats all u attract is because ur drawn to anybody that gives u attention... OBVIOUSLY... lol...

i'm just saying, when the majority of people dont think its a bad thing, and like 20% talk shit about it, it's someone's duty to be like "look dipshits! u guys are the fucktards for not getting with the program retards!!!" just saying in generalities, no one think this is about u, lol... i dont give a shit, i'm just going off of bitches i heard... lol


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