Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Real eyes Realize Real Lies

(might actually go ahead and make this one into an actual song...)

"Open your eyes... and see what I see...

Real eyes... Realize... Real lies... "

Walk this world lost and confused
Feeling like we're being used.
If life's a gift, I'm not enthused.
People killed everyday and that shit's excused
Falling deeper in recession
Because these bailouts are misused
You try to show the truth to people
But that shit is refused
We use only 10% of our brain
but even that shit's unused
Instead of searching for the truth
We look and point: accuse.

Born as individuals
but instinct makes us run in crews
One person can change SHIT
just ask the Bilderberg Group
People are kept dumb
Run around with no clue
Unable to see the truth
that they're getting lied to...
If only they were people
who were willing to stop you
Oh shit, there is!
"We know what you're up to...
...we know what you're up to...."

Tupac gone for stepping up to you
Lies accrueing... secret's through and..
Explanations due...
Truth will break you
Busting caps, you're screwed
Your lifestyle's taboo
Giant owls in woods
Situation won't difuse
With power, there's abuse
Debt and currency misused
Everybody always blue...
Biting more than you can chew
Mistakes always leaving clues
Alex Jones is something huge
You dont care about us, so we dont give a FUCK about you...

//Illuminati rules my mind, soul, and body
Secret Society trying to keep their eye on me.. //

Illuminati rules my mind, soul, and body
Secret Society trying to keep their eye on me..
No peaceful resolution cuz you guys are tryin to fuck me
Constitution being attacked by an invisible army

"Upon my sacred honor, I shall fight to DEATH to remain free
No one shall govern ME...
I shall submit to NO authority
No question in this matter,
I shall always refuse to obey greed
I shall face my enemy, squarely,
when he attacks me...
I shall counter-attack when he rests,
I shall press battle continously
...and when the time comes that I face my final scene...
I shall take my enemy with me...
For he is a creature without mercy
and deserves NONE from me...

We know you niggas plooting
FEMA stacking up on coffins
Building camps and prison trains
who you planning on stopping?!

World War 2 all over again,
camps remind me to "concentrate"
Cops telling me to form militias
that our liberty's at stake
"Sergeant course" here's my thanks
Tatics fresh now that I'm awake
Now I understand the bullshit I had to take
Pressure ON, disk brake...
HAARP causing headaches
Changing weather, earthquakes
Fucking us is a mistake
Only so much we can take
Truth will reveal the fake
This "perfect world" you tried to make
Deception brought forth by you snakes
Making the clear opaque
Against our will, we partake
Every war is just a remake
False flags, let's retake
Brainwash so no double-takes
Agenda's a piece of cake
So lost in this world, all we can do lie awake...
...cuz lies await...
Truth can't be ate
using music as bait
to get us to this state
Now I understand my fate
No debate, just dictate...
I oppose what you create
Controlling the inflation rates

But my mind is armor plated
My fear of death has faded
No longer intimidated
Death and end are not equated

,,,how is death the "end"
if no one understands life PERIOD
NO ONE looks into this
are you fuckin serious?!
"What's the meaning?"
"Why are we here?"
If one's reality ends at death
thousand of realities will end this year

So is this all just one big psychadelic trip?
Floating on a rock in space, that's kinda hard to grip...
How did we begin.. .Space is literally nothing...
What's the purpose of existance...
...what the fuck ANYTHING?
they say String Theory explains it
and I wanna know the answers
So I'm daily investigating
all of Dr. Kaku's lectures...

See... I JUST dont KNOW about you
I've used to be one of you
Ex-marine with a secret clearance
Did I mention NASA too?
yea... not even part of the Government
Check it out "Secret Space"
Killing off bloodlines
and supporting the reptilian race...

But I'll spare you the truth
about human evolution

... see you at the start
of the 2nd American Revolution...

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