I've been getting alot of critisizm lately for my lifestyle and religious choices... and everytime one of you "christians" tries to "TALK" it's not even a debate... it's me being cut off and being told memorized verses and explanations as to what YOU THINK the bible is saying, how i should live MY life...
a religious person will try to force their opinions on you, thinking that they have THE ONE TRUE ANSWER... but when u try to explain to them, in a CIVILIZED WAY, why u differ from them, they just CUT U OFF, GET LOUDER, AND REPEAT THE SAME SHIT over n over again...
well, fuckers, since u dont wanna let me talk my piece, and after an hour of "debate" (aka u not shutting the fuck up and letting me talk, u conversation hog) u dont even listen to one word I say, yet, I listened to all u had to say.. here goes..
I DONT KNOW WHAT GOD IS... people have this idea that theres a man in the clouds, always looking over us, making our life decisions for us....
again,... i DONT KNOW WHAT GOD IS, but i know what it's NOT... majority of u guys are christians... yet christianity is divided among itself...
-Pentocostals believe that a women isn't allowed to wear pants, cuz it distracts the men, and the bible says only men can wear pants...
-Catholics believe that the only way to talk to God, is to do it thru a telephone system called "confession" where u tell a priest what u did...
-Non-denominational christians just go by what the bible says...
so AMONG UR OWN KIND, u dont even agree with each other...
CHRISTIANS dont believe in the muslim Allah, the rastafarian Jah... but that's ok... but I say i dont quite think christianity is the answer either, and i get jumped upon...
what's the difference between me and a muslim, or a jew, or a buddhist to a Christian.. u should get JUST AS mad at them, as u do to me...
Here's my main argument... I NEVER said I don't believe in God... I DO believe in God, but i dont think God is a man in the clouds... I dont even think God is a being... I think he is an energy. I LOST my faith COMPLETELY due to christians...
I HONESTLY THOUGHT that all the stories in the bible were just that.. STORIES... but that they had morales to them, and THAT was the point of following the bible, TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE... but then people start getting MAD AT ME, and saying "NO! EVERYTHING IN THE BIBLE IS 100% REAL! u HAVE to believe it..."
and i'm like.. "um... nah, it's not, its just a bunch of stories"
-"no, its REAL!"
-"whoa whoa whoa, let me get this straight... u actually BELIEVE EVERYTHING in this book is real? 100% to the tee?"
-"yes because it's in the bible..."
THAT RIGHT THERE was the reason i renounced my christianity.. I just CANNOT and wont accept some of those stories...
NOAH'S ARK (I'll use this example)
for one... Noah was 600 YEARS OLD...
the oldest man ever recorded didnt even pass 120 years old.. they were lik 112 or something... and that's with ADVANCED MEDICINE AND TECHNOLOGY...
say he WAS 600 yrs old.. WHY WOULD HE BE PUT IN CHARGE OF A CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SO BIG? my neighbor is like 63, and about to fucking CROAK, and u honestly expect me to BLINDLY believe that 1)someone reached the age of 600, and 2)was strong enough to even lift a hammer, much less, construct a HUMONGOUS ark...
ok, so lets say THAT'S TRUE...
"2 of each animals WALKED into the ark..."
so.. ALLLLL THE ANIMALS IN THE WORLD, fit into 1 BOAT... hmmmm....
and they all PEACEFULLY walked in...
1) is the earth even connected like that?!
2) IF ANIMALS EAT ANIMALS, wtf did u feed them, for 40 DAYS N 4 NIGHTS?!
ok, so even if THAT was true... as soon as u'd let the animals go, they're be STARVING, they'd just kill themselves as soon as u released them...
so even if THAT was true... that means.. um.. ALLL THE BOATS IN THE WORLD THAT EXISTED JUST didnt work that 1 day of the flood?!?!
ok.. so even if THAT was true... if we're all from Abraham.. .were did MEXICANS, and BLACK PEOPLE come from?!
and the bible even said Noah was A DRUNK...
you believe in stuff like THAT.. with NO PROOF... and DEFIES ALL LOGIC, SCIENCE, AND REASON... and u call ME lost?! ...
See, I DONT KNOW IF THIS IS THE RIGHT ANSWER OR NOT... because I've done ABSOLUTELY NO RESEARCH into life.but I HAVE researched into OTHER RELIGIONS... looking for the right answer..
I even went athiest for a lil bit, but found Darwinism to be inaccurate as well... evolution CANT be proven from species to species...
Creationism... eh... no way...
but i do believe in "Intelligent Design"... i dont know what that means, but I know there's no way we were just an "accident", but I also know that I'm not made out of dirt...
So... why am I being called "BAD" for NOT wanting to FORCEFULLY teach my kids religion.. .why am I "BAD" for wanting to give them OPTIONS...
you are SCARED into believing... "if u dont believe, then u'll perish in hell for eternity, people will search for death, and not be able to find it!" ...that's NOT giving someone an option, that's FORCING someone to believe using FEAR...
how do u know MORMONS aren't the right answer? have u looked into it?! what about buddhist?!
my plan is to teach my kids ALL THE RELIGIONS, explain to them what each one means, stands for, what they do, and then, LET THEM choose what they want to believe in... is it bad that i'm EDUCATING my kids, as opposed to SCARING them into something I MYSELF DONT FULLY BELIEVE...
i just find it funny that most people HAVENT read the entire bible... u dedicate ur LIFE, ur MIND, ur SOUL to a belief.... ur a christian ALL UR LIFE... AND UR TELLING ME U CANT READ ONE BOOK/!?! u changed ur ways, but havent even read the book... u just go to church, and someone READS IT TO U... someone tells YOU what it means...
I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER OF LIFE, but i know this much...
If I want to know the answer to a math quiz, i will look into MATHEMATICS...
if i want to cook, i will look into RECIPES...
christians say "the answer of life is in this book!"
to ME, that's like saying "we're about to do math equations, so to find the answers, lets dissect this ZEBRA!
the answer to LIFE should be looked into LIFE itself... not a book...
call me a blasphemist, i dont care, i call myself open minded...
i used to be a DEVOTED christian, even took my bible to school, and got made fun of.... I know more about the bible than most christians, as i have read it 6 times... yet i dont even believe it...
IF I CAN BELIEVE that I am a descendant of a MUD MAN, who had a RIB WOMAN, and I'M doomed to "hell" because a TALKING SNAKE convince her to eat a FRUIT... then i can be open minded to ANYTHING...
because i know myself... i am NOT evil, i am NOT possesed, I am NOT stupid, I am NOT gullible, and I will question ANYTHING that doesn't make sense to me..
u can question mathematics and science, but if u question the bible... ur called a blasphemist... how is THAT fair? how is that THE answer?!
weren't christians the ones who started the crusades, the dark ages, the inquisition, the salem witch trials?!?1 "believe in what I tell you... ...cuz God loves u... but if u dont, we will KILL you... ...cuz God loves you..."
ok, so all I'M doing is giving my kids an EDUCATED choice as to what they want to believe...
and ur following a book u havent read, dont fully believe, SAY u live one way, but yet sinning like there's no tommorrow... and I'M THE BAD GUY?!
...really now... hmmm...
(I'm not trying to start shit, but I have the right to defend myself, no?)
and please, dont quote me the bible... because I will quote u RIGHT BACK, FROM THE SAME BIBLE, and be able to contradict you...
TRUST ME, i know the bible more than most people... so u trying to "school" me on the bible is equivalent to a 3rd grader trying to school a college professor on physics...
All i'm saying is, I dont want to do to MY kids, what was done to ME, and NOT given a choice.. ...how does that make me a bad guy?
I'm sorry, but I AM NOT a bad guy, i dont believe i'm "doomed" because a long time ago... some woman got convinced to eat a fruit by a talking snake... how does that make ME bad? because some lady ate a fruit, I'M DOOMED? um, yea... not buying it, sorry...
again, I DO BELIEVE IN GOD... but i think the TRUE answer will INCLUDE everything, and is TOO COMPLEX to just fit into ONE book...
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